New Chief Operating Officer!

New Chief Operating Officer!

Diane Hester Brown

In early July our board of directors hired Diane Hester Brown, a resident of Albany, to serve as our Chief Operating Officer. Diane is a graduate of Union College and Harvard Law School. She has worked for both large and small law firms, clerked for a federal judge and been self-employed.

Speaking of her own experience, Diane wrote: “I have always volunteered, and my introduction to Wizards was through volunteering as a tutor earlier this year. From there, it can best be described as a whirlwind romance. As a tutor, I fell in love with the program and the children. Barack Obama said that “reading is the gateway skill that makes all other learning possible.” I know this is true. I directly attribute my own academic success to being a voracious reader, and I firmly believe that regular one-on-one interactions with dedicated, well-trained tutors can be a leg up for struggling readers trying to achieve academic success.” 

We are very excited to have her as part of the Wizard’s Wardrobe.

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