Black History Month 2020

Black History Month 2020

During Black History Month, 2020, students and tutors read numerous fiction and non-fiction books, sharing powerful stories of slavery, the underground railroad, and the bravery and contributions of African-Americans who inspired courage and resistance during those times.

As students read, they shared ideas, feelings and questions about this period in our history, and about the courageous men and women who sought freedom. Studying the quilts created to send secret messages along the path of the Underground Railroad, they considered how they would communicate their own messages and ideas.

Their reading, writing and expressive art work culminated in creating a quilt of images and words, created by our students, and modeled after quilts used during the underground railroad to lead enslaved people to freedom. Their creativity was guided by the skillful quilting expertise of our Program Director, Debra Fagans, who brought their panels together in this beautiful quilt.

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